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Montenegro Srl



Regular price £24.75 GBP
Regular price Sale price £24.75 GBP
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TRY ME IF YOU LOVE: Italian Amari

ABV: 23%

FROM: Bologna, Italy

TASTING NOTES: Initially sweet turning mildly bitter with orange zest, coriander, cherry, vanilla and clove.

SERVE ME: Try half and half with mezcal over ice and a dash of chocolate bitters

The amaro was first produced by Stanislao Cobianchi in 1885 and was originally called Elisir Lungavita. In 1896, it was renamed Amaro Montenegro, after Princess Elena of Montenegro who married Crown Prince Victor Emmanuel, the future King Victor Emmanuel III of Italy. Its production takes place in the factory of San Lazzaro di Savena, in the province of Bologna.

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